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Research Publications (~160)


Rossi, E (1963).  Associative Clustering in Normal and Retarded Children.  The American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 67, 691-699.

Rossi, E (1964).  Development of Classificatory Behavior. Child Development, 35, 137-142.

Rossi, E & Rossi, S (1965).  Concept Utilization, Serial Order, and Recall in Nursery School Children.  Child Development, 36, 771-779.

Rossi, E (1966).  What is a Colloquium?  LASCP News, 8, 11-12.

Rossi, E (1967).  Training Social Service Counselors in Watts.  LASCP News, 9, 16-17.

Rossi, E (1967).  Game and Growth:  Two Dimensions of Our Psychotherapeutic Zeitgeist.  Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 8, 139-154.

Rossi, E (1968).  The Breakout Heuristic:  A Phenomenology of Growth Therapy with College Students.  Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 8, 16-28.

Rossi, E (1968).  Private Practice in Clinical Psychology. (Chairman) Symposium of the California State Psychological Association, Santa Barbara.

Rossi, E (1968).  Review of H. A. Otto's book, Human Potentialities:  The Challenge and Promise.  Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 8.

Rossi, E (1971).  Growth, Change and Transformation in Dreams.  Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 11, 147-169.

Rossi, E (1972a).  Dreams in the Creation of Personality. Psychological Perspectives, 2, 122-134.

Rossi, E (1972b).  Self-Reflection in Dreams.  Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, 9, 290-298.

Rossi, E (1973a).  The Dream Protein Hypothesis.  The American Journal of Psychiatry, 130, 1094-1097.

Rossi, E (1973b).  Psychological Shocks and Creative Moments in Psychotherapy.  The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 16, 9-22.

Rossi, E (1973c).  Psychosynthesis and the New Biology of Dreams and Psychotherapy.  The American Journal of Psychotherapy, 27, 34-41.

Rossi, E (1973d).  Commentary on Joe Kennedy Adam's Secrets of the Trade.  Psychological Perspectives, 4, 82-89.

Rossi, E (1973).  Dreams and the Growth of Personality in the Year 2,000.  Paper presented at The American Association of Humanistic Psychology, Montreal, Canada.

Erickson, M & Rossi, E (1974).  Varieties of Hypnotic Amnesia.  The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 16, 225-239.

Erickson, M,& Rossi, E (1975).  Varieties of Double Bind. The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 17, 143-157.

Erickson, M & Rossi, E (1976a).  Two-Level Communication and the Microdynamics of Trance.  The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 18, 153-171.

Erickson, M & Rossi, E (1976b/1980/2006).  The Indirect Forms of Suggestion.  In The Collected Papers of Milton H. Erickson, Vol. One. NY: Irvington.  On CD in The Neuroscience Edition. The Complete Works of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. on Therapeutic Hypnosis, Psychotherapy and Rehabilitation in 8 Volumes. Phoenix, Arizona: The MHE Foundation.

Erickson, M & Rossi, E (1976c/1980/2006).  Indirect Forms of Suggestion in Hand Levitation in The Collected Papers of Milton H. Erickson, Vol. One. NY: Irvington.  On CD in The Neuroscience Edition. The Complete Works of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. on Therapeutic Hypnosis, Psychotherapy and Rehabilitation in 8 Volumes.  Phoenix, Arizona: The MHE Foundation.

Erickson, M & Rossi, E (1977).  Autohypnotic Experiences of Milton H. Erickson.  The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 20, 36-54.

Rossi, E (1977).  The Cerebral Hemispheres in Analytical Psychology.  The Journal of Analytical Psychology, 22, 32-51.

Rossi, E (1978).  Review of Carl Sagan's book, The Dragons of Eden, and Julian Jaynes' book, The Breakdown of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral MindPsychological Perspectives, 9, 180-189.

Rossi, E (1979).  Davina's Recent Dream.  Sundance Community Dream Journal, 3, 110-113.

Rossi, E (1980).  As Above, So Below:  The Holographic Mind. Psychological Perspectives, 11, 155-169.

Erickson, M & Rossi, E (1980).  The Indirect Forms of Hypnotic Suggestion.  In Volume I of The Collected Papers of Milton H. Erickson, 452-477.  E. L. Rossi (Ed.).  NY: Irvington.

Rossi, E & Ravitz, L (1980).  Electromagnetic Field Measurements in Altered States of Consciousness?  Paper presented at The First International Congress of Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy, Phoenix.

Rossi, E (1982).  Hypnosis and Ultradian Cycles:  A New State(s) Theory of Hypnosis?  The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 25, 21-32.

Rossi, E, Whitaker, C., & Haley, J. (1982).  A Special Interaction Hour.  In J. Zeig (Ed.), Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy.  NY:  Brunner/Mazel.

Erickson, M & Rossi, E (1985).  Memory and Hallucination (Part I):  The Utilization Approach to Hypnotic Suggestion.  With Introduction, Commentaries, and Discussion by Ernest L. Rossi. In S. Lankton (Ed.), Elements and Dimensions of an Ericksonian Approach.

Rossi, E (1985). Altered States of Consciousness in Everyday Life:  The Ultradian Rhythms.  In B. Wolman (Ed.), Handbook of Altered States of Consciousness.  NY:  Van Nostrand Reinhold.  Pp. 97 – 132.

Rossi, E (1985).  Unity and Diversity in Ericksonian Approaches:  Now and in the Future.  In J. Zeig (Ed.), Ericksonian Psychotherapy. Vol. I.  Structures. NY: Brunner/Mazel.

Rossi, E (1986a).  Conversations with Marie Louise von Franz at 70.  Psychological Perspectives, 17, 151-160.

Rossi, E (1986b).  Hypnosis and Ultradian Rhythms.  In B. Zilbergeld, G. Edelstien, & D. Araoz (Eds.), Questions and Answers in the Practice of Hypnosis.  NY:  W. W. Norton.

Rossi, E (1986c).  Mind/Body Connections and the New Language of Human Facilitation.  In J. Zeig (Ed.), The Evolution of Psychotherapy.  NY:  Brunner/Mazel.

Rossi, E (1986d).  The Indirect Trance Assessment Scale (ITAS):  A Preliminary Outline and Learning Tool.  In M. Yapko (Ed.), Hypnotic and Strategic Interventions:  Principles and Practice.  NY: Irvington.

Rossi, E (1986e).  The New Psychobiology of Dissociation:  The State-Dependent Memory and Learning Theory of Hypno-therapy. Hypnos, 13(4).

Rossi, E (1986f).  The Trembling Flame:  A Book Review of Marie-Louise von Franz's, On Dreams and Death:  A Jungian InterpretationPsychological Perspectives, 17(2), 245-249.

Aureliano, P & Rossi, E (1987).  Book Review of Trattato di ItnosiThe American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 29(3), 217-218.

Rossi, E (1987a).  AIDS Research:  A Leading Edge at NIMH. Interview with Drs. Candace Pert and Michael Ruff. Psychological Perspectives, 18(1), 105-112.

Rossi, E (1987b).  A Book Review of Robin Robertson's, C. G. Jung and the Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious. Psychological Perspectives, 18(1), 153-159.

Rossi, E (1987c).  Consciousness, Power and Sacrifice. Interview with Marie-Louise von Franz.  Psychological Perspectives, 18(2), 375-385.

Rossi, E (1987d).  From Mind to Molecule:  A State-Dependent Memory, Learning, and Behavior Theory of Mind-Body Healing. Advances, 4(2), 46-60.

Rossi, E (1987e).  Mind-Body Healing Comes of Age: An Interview with Norman Cousins.  Psychological Perspectives, 18(1), 98-104.

Rossi, E (1987f).  The New Archetypal Psychology. Psychological Perspectives, 18(2), 294-303.

Rossi, E (1987g).  The Psychobiology of Dissociation and Identification.  Canadian Psychology, 28(2).

Rossi, E (1988a).  Jung, Archetypes and TK Solver Plus. Psychological Perspectives, 19(2), 372-374.

Rossi, E (1988b).  Neuroimmune Interations:  A Book Review. Psychological Perspectives, 19(1), 185-188.

Rossi, E (1988c).  Nonlocality in Physics and Psychology:  An Interview with John Stewart Bell.  Psychological Perspectives, 19(2), 294-319.

Rossi, E  (1988d).  Beyond relativity and quantum theory: An interview with David Bohm.  Psychological Perspectives, 19, 25-43.

Rossi, E (1988e).  Perspectives:  Consciousness and the New Quantum Psychologies.  Psychological Perspectives, 19(1), 4-13.

Rossi, E. (1988f).  Perspectives:  A Mind-Gene Connection: Psychological Perspectives, 19(2), 212-221.

Rossi, E (1988g).  The Psychobiology of Mind-Body Healing: The Vision and State of the Art.  In J. Zeig & S. Lankton (Eds.), Developing Ericksonian Therapy:  State of the Art, 127-148.  NY:  Brunner/Mazel.

Rossi, E (1988h).  Science and Synchronicity:  A Conversation with C. A. Meier.  Psychological Perspectives, 19(2), 320-324.

Rossi, E (1988i).  The Wright Stuff:  A Book Review of The Clinical Practice of Hypnotherapy.  Advances, 5(2), 73-76.

Rossi, E (1988j). Neue Aspekte der molekularen Grundllagen des psychosomatischen Heilungsproesses in der theraeutischen Hypnose. Hypnose und Kognition, Bund 11, Heft 1 und 2, April, 167-189.

Rossi, E (1988).  The Psychobiology of Dissociation and Identification.  Psychologie Canadienne, 28(2), 112-113.

Rossi, E (1989a).  Mind-body healing, not suggestion, is the essence of hypnosis.  American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 32, 14-15.

Rossi, E (1989b).  Archetypes as strange attractors.  Psychological Perspectives, 20, 4-14.

Rossi, E (1989c).  Facilitating “Creative Moments” in Hypnothrapy.  Ericksonian Monographs, # 6,   Extrapolations: Demonstrations of Ericksonian Therapy.  NY: Brunner/Mazel Publishers.

Rossi, E (1990a).  A Clinical-Experimental Assessment of the Ultradian Theory of Therapeutic Suggestion.  Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting and Workshops on Clinical Hypnosis.  March 24-28.

Rossi, E (1990b).  The new yoga of the west: Natural rhythms of mind-body healing.  Psychological Perspectives, 22, 146-161.

Rossi, E (1990c).  Mind-Molecular Communication:  Can We Really Talk to our Genes?  Hypnos, 17, 3-14.      

Rossi, E (1990d).  From mind to molecule: More than a metaphor. In Zeig, J. & Gilligan, S (Eds.) Brief Therapy: Myths, Methods and Metaphors.  NY: Brunner/Mazel.

Rossi, E (1990e).  Understanding Erickson from His Own Point of View.  In S. Lankton (Ed.) The Broader Implications of Ericksonian Therapy.  Ericksonian Monographs, (pp. 32-39).  NY:  Brunner/Mazel.

Rossi, E (1990f).   Ericksonian Approaches: Psychobiological Psychotherapy.  In Zeig, J. & Munuin, W.  (Eds.), What is Psychotherapy: Contemporary Approaches (pp. 356-363).  NY:  Brunner/Mazel.

Rossi, E Lippincott, B, & Rainis, A (1990f). The psychobiological facilitation of therapeutic hypnosis:  The ultradian healing response.  Paper presented at 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting, March 24-28, Orlando, Florida.

Rossi, E & Smith, M (1990g). The Eternal Quest: Hidden rhythms of mind-body healing in everyday life. Psychological Perspectives, 22, 146-161.

Rossi, E & Cheek, D (1990h. Ideomotor healing of burn injuries.  In E. C. Hammond (Ed.), Handbook of Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors, 233.  NY:  W. W. Norton.

Rossi, E (1991a).  The Wave Nature of Consciousness, Psychological Perspectives, 24,  1-10.

Rossi, E (1991b).  New healing in hypnosis?  A Review of Peter Brown's The Hypnotic Brain and other recent books in hypnosis. Psychological Perspectives, 24, 1-10.

Rossi, E (1991c).  How to create a great day.  Psychological Perspectives, 25, 6-17.

Rossi, E (1992a).  Periodicity in self-hypnosis and the ultradian healing response: A pilot study.  Hypnos, 19, 4-13.

Rossi, E (1992b).  A clinical-experimental exploration of Erickson's naturalistic approach:  Ultradian time and trance phenomena.  Hypnos, 17, 3-14.

Rossi, E.  (1992c).  What is life?  Psychological Perspectives, 26, 6-22.

Rossi, E (1992d).  The life Archetype: Cooperation and Competition in the evolution of life.  Psychological Perspectives, 27, 6-13.

Rossi, E (1992d).  The wave nature of consciousness: A new direction for the evolution of psychotherapy.  In Zeig, J. (Ed.) The Evolution of Psychotherapy: The Second Conference. NY: Brunner-Mazel, pp. 216-235.

Rossi, E (1992e).  The chronobiological theory of therapeutic suggestion: Towards a mathematical model of Erickson's naturalistic approach.  Invited address at The 12th International Congress of Hypnosis, Jerusalem, Israel, July 29.

Rossi, E (1992f).  Reality, stress and imagination in temporal isolation experiments:  an interview with Rütger A. Wever. In Lloyd, D  & Rossi, E (Eds.) Ultradian Rhythms in Life Processes: A Fundamental Inquiry into Chronobiology and Psychobiology, (pp. 323-337).  NY: Springer-Verlag.

Rossi, E & Jichaku, P (1992g).  Creative choice in therapeutic and transpersonal double binds.  In Rossi, E & Ryan, M (Eds.) Creative Choice in Hypnosis, (pp. 225-253) NY: Irvington.

Rossi, E & Lippincott, B (1992h).  The wave nature of being: Ultradian rhythms and mind-body communication.  In Lloyd, D & Rossi, E (Eds.) Ultradian Rhythms in Life Processes: A Fundamental Inquiry into Chronobiology and Psychobiology (pp. 371-402).  NY: Springer-Verlag.

Rossi, E (1992i).  The basic rest-activity cycle – 32 years later: An interview with Nathaniel Kleitman. In Lloyd, D.  & Rossi, E (Eds.)  Ultradian Rhythms in Life Processes: A  Fundamental Inquiry into Chronobiology and Psychobiology, (pp. 303-306).  NY: Springer-Verlag.

Rossi, E & Lippincott, B (1993a).  A Clinical-Experimental exploration of Erickson's naturalistic approach: A pilot study of ultradian time and trance phenomena.  Hypnos, 20, 10-20.
Lloyd, D & Rossi, E (1993b).  Biological Rhythms as organization and information.  Biological Reviews, 68, 563-577.

Rossi, E (1994a).  The Rossi Workshop - A Special Report on the “Gentle Giant” of Hypnotherapy (By Nadia Waters).  European Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 2, 48-51.

Rossi, E (1994b). The emergence of mind-gene communication. European Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 3, 1-14.

Rossi, E (1994c). Hypnose und die neue Homoostase.  Hypnose und Kognition, Bund 11, Heft 1 und 2, April, 167-189. 

Rossi, E, Lippincott, B & Bessette, A (1994d).  The Chronobiology of Mind-Body Healing: Ultradian Dynamics in Hypnotherapy, Part One. European Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 2, 1, 10-20.

Rossi, E (1994e).  A quantum psychology for the future? Psychological Perspectives, 30, 1, 6 - 11.

Rossi, E. Lippincott, B & Bessette, A (1995a).  The Chronobiology of Mind-Body Healing: Ultradian Dynamics in Hypnotherapy, Part Two. European Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 2, 2, 2-12.

Rossi, E (1995b).  Accessing the creative process.  Ernest Rossi interviewed by Barry Winbolt.  The Therapist, 3, (1), 24-29.

Rossi, E (1995c).  The essence of hypnotherapeutic suggestion; Part One: The Basic Accessing Question and Ultradian Dynamics in single session psychotherapy, European Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 2, 3, 6 -17.

Rossi, E (1995d).  The essence of hypnotherapeutic suggestion; Part Two: Ultradian Dynamics of the creative process in psychothrapy,. European Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 2, 4,  4 - 16.

Rossi, E (1995e).  The essence of hypnotherapeutic suggestion; Part Three: Polarity and creative dynamics of change,  European Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 2, 4,  10 - 25.

Rossi, E (1995f). The temper of our times.  Psychological Perspectives, 31, 1, 6.

Rossi, E (1995g). The unseen order of the self-organizing psyche. Psychological Perspectives, 32, 1, 8 - 15.

Rossi, E (1995h).  The Chronobiological Theory of Therapeutic Suggestion:  Towards a Mathematical Model of Erickson’s Naturalistic Approach.  In Kleinhauz, M, Peter, B, Livnay, S, Delano, V, Fuchs, K & Lost-Peter, A, Jerusalem Lectures on Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy. vol 1, pp 63-86. 

Rossi, E (1996a).  The psychobiology of mindbody communication: The complex, self-organizing field of information transduction.  Biosystems, 38, 199-206.

Rossi, E (1996b).  Emotions and the hidden inner work of mindbody communication.  Advances, 12, 2, 29-31.

Rossi, E (1996c).  The creative process in naturalistic ultradian hypnotherapy.  Hypnosis International Monographs, 2, 1-15.

Rossi, E (1996d).  The Symptom Path to Enlightenment:  New Approaches to Mindbody healing and Psychosexual Dynamics.  In Simonelli, C, Petruccelli, F. and Vizzari, V.; Sessualita E Terzo Millennio, Studi e ricerche in sexuologia clinica Vol. 1, (pg. 29-45.)

Rossi, E (1996e).  The Creative Process in Naturalistic Ultradian Hypnotherapy in Peter, V, Trenkle, B, Kinzel, FC, Duffner, C & Lost-Peter, A:  Hypnosis International Monographs Number 2:  Munich Lectures on Hypnosis and Psychotherapy, pgs. 103-118.

Rossi, E, (1996f).  Self-Organizational Dynamics in Ericksonian Hypnotherapy: A Nonlinear Evolution for the Psychothrapist of the Future.  In Zeig, J (Ed.) The Evolution of Psychothrapy Conference, 1995.  151-157.

Rossi, E (1996g).  The therapeutic power of attention: Theory and Techniques.  Discussion by Ernest L Rossi. In Zeig, J. (Ed.) The Evolution of Psychothrapy Conference, 1995.  229-230.

Rossi, E (1997a).  Archtypal foundations in the unification of psychology. physics and biology: Alchemical informatio and Jung’s Synthetic method.  Zurich 95: Open Questions in Analytical Psychology.  Einsiedeln, Switzerland: Daimon Verlag. p. 186-196.

Rossi, E (1997b).  The Feigenbaum Scenario in a Unified Science of Life and Mind.  World Futures: 50, 633-645.

Rossi, E (1997c).  The symptom path to enlightenment: The psychobiology of Jung’s Constructive Method  Psychological Perspectives, 36, 68-84.

Rossi, E (1998). The  Feigenbaum Scenario as a Model of Conscious Information Processing.  Biosystems, 40, 1-10.

Rossi, E (1999a). The co-creative dynamics of dreams, consciousness and choice.  Psychological Perspectives, 38, 116-127.

Rossi, E (1999b). Identity creation from mind to gene.  Psychological Perspectives.  39, 116-124.

Rossi, E (1999c).  Sleep, dream, hypnosis and healing: Sleep and Hypnosis: An International Journal of Sleep, Dream, and Hypnosis.  1:3, 141-157.

Rossi, E (1999d).  The Feigenbaum Scenario in a Unified Science of Life and Mind.  In Hofkirchner, W  (Ed.)  The Quest for a United Theory of Information: Proceedings of the 2ed International Conference on the Foundations of Information Science.  Singapore: Gordon & Beach Publishers.

Rossi, E (2000a). The numinosum and the brain: The weaving thread of consciousness.  Psychological Perspectives, 40, 94-103.

Rossi, E.  (2000b). In search of a deep psychobiology of hypnosis: Visionary hypotheses for a new millennium.  American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis.  42:3/42:4, 178-207.

Rossi, E (2000c).  Exploring gene expression in sleep, dreams and hypnosis with the new DNA microarray technology: A call for clinical-experimental research. Sleep and Hypnosis: An International Journal of Sleep, Dream, and Hypnosis.  2:1, 40-46.

Rossi, E (2000d).  Dreams, Consciousness, Spirit: The Quantum Experience of Self-Reflection and Co-Creation.  NY: Zeig-Tucker.

Rossi, E (2001a) The deep psychobiology of psychotherapy.  In Corsini, R. (Ed.) Handbook of Innovative Psychotherapy, 2ed Edition.  155-165. NY: Wiley.

Rossi, E (2001b) Updating Milton Erickson’s Neuro-Psycho-Physiological dynamics of Therapeutic Hypnosis & Psychotherapy.  Milton H. Erickson Foundation Newsletter, 21(2), 10-13.

Rossi, E (2001c).  Psychobiological principles of creative Ericksonian psychotherapy.  In Zeig, J & Geary, B  (Eds.)  The Handbook of Ericksonian Psychotherapy.  Phoenix, Arizona: The Milton H. Erickson Foundation Press, Pp 122-153.

Rossi, E (2001d). Psyche, Soma and Gene Expression.  Psychological Perspectives, 42, 80-88.

Rossi, E (2002a).  The Psychobiology of Gene Expression:  Neuroscience and Neurogenesis in Hypnosis and the Healing arts.  NY:  Norton.

Rossi, E (2002b).  Ericksonian brief therapy in the new millennium: Immediate-early genes in the deep psychobiology of psychotherapy.  In ( Zeig, J ed) Ericksonian brief therapy for lasting impressions. Phoenix:Erickson Foundation Press, 367-386.

Rossi, E (2002c). The psychosocial genomics of therapeutic hypnosis and psychotherapy. Sleep and Hypnosis: An International Journal of Sleep, Dream, and Hypnosis.  4:1, 26-38.

Rossi, E (2002d).  A conceptual review of the psychosocial genomics of expectancy and surprise: Neuroscience perspectives about the deep psychobiology of therapeutic hypnosis.  American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis.  45:2, 103-118.

Rossi, E (2002e).  Psychosocial Genomics: Gene Expression, Neurogenesis, and Human Experience in Mind-Body Medicine.  Advances: In Mind-Body Medicine, 22-30.

Rossi, E (2003a).  Gene Expression, Neurogenesis, and Healing: Psychosocial Genomics of Therapeutic Hypnosis. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis.  45:3, 197-216.

Rossi, E (2003b).  The Hip-Nose Doctor Finds the Michael Jackson Tickets.  In Kottler, J. & Carlson, J (eds.) The Mummy at the Dining Room Table: Eminent Therapists Reveal Their Most Unusual Cases, San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, Wiley Imprint, 157-165.

Rossi, E (2003c).  Can We Really Talk to Our Genes?  Psychosocial Genomics.  Hypnos: The Journal of European Society of Hypnosis in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Medicine, Vol. 30, 1, 6-15.

Rossi, E (2003d).  The Bioinformatics of Psychosocial Genomics in Alternative and Complementary Medicine.  Research in Complementary and Classical Natural Medicine.  (Forschende Komplementarmedizine und Klassische Naturheilkunde), 10, 143-150.

Rossi, E (2003e).  Facilitating Brain Growth with Ericksonian Psychotherapy?  Novelty, Neurogenesis and Numinosum in the Healing Arts.  In Zeig, J. (Ed.) Evolution of Psychotherapy: A Meeting of Minds.  Phoenix: Zeig, Tucker, Theisen.

Rossi, E (2004a).  A discourse with our genes:  The psychosocial and cultural genomics of therapeutic hypnosis and psychotherapy.  Available in English and Italian.  (ISBN –89396-01-6)  San Lorenzo Maggiore, Italy: Editris s.a.s.

Rossi, E (2004b).  Gene Expression and Brain Plasticity in Stroke Rehabilitation: A Personal Memoir of Mind-Body Healing. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis.  46:3, 215-227.

Rossi, E (2004c). A Bioinformatics Approach to the Psychosocial Genomics of Therapeutic Hypnosis.  Hypnos, 31:1, 15-21.

Rossi, E (2004d). Sacred spaces and places in healing dreams: Gene expression and brain growth in rehabilitation: Psychological Perspectives, 47, 48-63.

Rossi, E (2004e).  Art, Beauty and Truth: The Psychosocial Genomics of Consciousness, Dreams, and Brain Growth in Psychotherapy and Mind-Body Healing.  Annals ofthe American Psychotherapy Association, 7, 10-17.

Rossi, E (2004f). The Bioinformatics of Integrative Medicine in Urology. In Currow, D & Norman, R  (Eds.)  Supportive Care for the Urology Patient.

Rossi, E (2004g). Stress-Induced Alternative Gene Splicing in Mind-Body Medicine.  Advances in Mind-Body Medicine, 20:2, 12- 19.

Rossi, E (2004h).  The Genomic Science Foundation of Body Therapy.  USA Body Therapy Journal, 29-49.

Rossi, E (2005a).  The Memory Trace Reactivation and Reconstruction Theory of Therapeutic Hypnosis: The creative replaying of gene expression and brain plasticity in stroke rehabilitation.  Hypnos,32, 5-16.

Rossi, E (2005b).  Einstein’s eternal mystery of epistemology explained: The four stage creative process in art, science, myth, and psychotherapy.  Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association, 8, 4-11.

Rossi, E (2005c).  The ideodynamic action hypothesis of therapeutic suggestion: Creative replay in the psychosocial genomics of therapeutic hypnosis.  The European Journal of Clinical Hypnosis.  6, 2, 2-12.

Rossi, E (2005e).  Creativity and the Nature of the Numinosum: The Psychosocial Genomics of Jung’s Transcendent Function in Art, Science, Spirit, & Psychotherapy.  Spring, 72, 313-337.

Rossi, E (2005/2006).  Let’s Be Honest with Ourselves and Transparent with the Public.   American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 48 (2-3), 127-130.

Rossi, E (2005/2006).  Prospects for Exploring the Molecular-Genomic Foundations of Therapeutic Hypnosis with DNA Microarrays.   American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 48 (2-3), 165-182.

Rossi, E & Rossi, K. (2006a).  The Neuroscience of Observing Consciousness & Mirror Neurons in Therapeutic Hypnosis.   American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis.  48: 283-278.

Rossi, E (2006b). Erickson, The Healer.  In Erickson, B & Keeney, B (Eds.) Milton H. Erickson, MD: An  American Healer.  Sedona, Arizona: Ringing Rock Press.

Rossi, K & Erickson-Klein, R (2006c).  A Dialogue with Ernest Rossi: Milton H. Erickson: A Master of Creativity in Therapeutic Hypnosis, Psychotherapy, and Rehabilitation.  The Milton H. Erickson Foundation Newsletter, Vol 26, 1, 5-6.

Rossi, E   (2006d).  Forward: Genes as Space -Time Energy Transducers, in The Indian Handbook of Clinical Hypnosis, Vyas, B & Vyas, R (Eds.), Kolkata:India.

Rossi, E, Iannotti, S, & Rossi, K (2006e).  The new neuroscience school of therapeutic hypnosis, psychotherapy, and rehabilitation.  HypnosNytt, 2, 3-14.

Rossi, E, Rossi, K, Yount, G, Cozzolino, M & Iannotti, S (2006f).  The Bioinformatics of Integrative Medical Insights: Proposals for an International PsychoSocial and Cultural Bioinformatics Project.  Integrative Medicine Insights. Open Access on line:

Rossi, E, Rossi, K, Cozzolino, M, & Iannotti, S (2007).  Expectations of hypnosis future: A new neuroscience school of therapeutic hypnosis, psychotherapy, and rehabilitation.  The European Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 7, 3, 2-9.

Rossi, E & Rossi, K (2007).  What is a Suggestion?  The Neuroscience of Implicit Processing Heuristics in Therapeutic Hypnosis and Psychotherapy.  The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. 49:4, 267-281.

Rossi, E, Erickson-Klein, R, and Rossi, K (2008a).  The Future Orientation of Constructive Memory: An Evolutionary Perspective on Therapeutic Hypnosis and Brief Psychotherapy. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 50:4, 343-350.

Rossi, E, Erickson-Klein, R, and Rossi, K (2008b).  Novel Activity-Dependent Approaches to Therapeutic Hypnosis and Psychotherapy.  American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 51:2, pp 185-200).

Rossi, E, Erickson-Klein, R, and Rossi, K (2008c).  Opening the Heart and Mind with Therapeutic Hypnosis and Psychotherapy in The Collected Works of Milton H. Erickson, Volume 3.  Phoenix, Arizona: The Milton H. Erickson Foundation Press.

Rossi, E. , and Rossi, K.  (2008).  Open Questions on Mind, Genes, Consciousness, and Behavior: The Circadian and Ultradian Rhythms of Art, Beauty, and Truth in Creativity.  In Lloyd & Rossi (Eds.)  Ultradian rhythms from molecule to mind: A new vision of life.  New York: Springer.  391-412.

Rossi, E.  (2008a).  Book Review.  How Mathematicians Think: Using Ambiguity, Contradictions, and Paradox to Create Mathematics.  American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 31(1), 77-78.

Rossi, E.  (2008b) New Pathways to the Psychosocial Genomics of Therapeutic Hypnosis and Psychotherapy. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 31(2), (In Press).

Rossi, E., Iannotti, S .Castiglione, S., Cozzolino, M., & Rossi, K. (2008b). A Pilot Study of Positive Expectations and Focused Attention via a New Protocol for Optomizing Therapeutic Hypnosis and Psychotherapy Assessed with DNA Microarrays: The Creative Psychosocial Genomic Healing Experience.  The Journal of Sleep and Hypnosis, in Press.



Foreign Translations of Books and Publications


Rossi, E (2005). (Carrer, L, Translator & Editor). Cinq essais de psychogénomique – Exploration d’une nouvelle démarche scientifique axée sur l’interaction entre l’esprit et la molécule [Five essays on psychosocial genomics: Exploration of a new scientific approach to the interaction between mind and molecule]. Encinitas, CA, USA: Trance-lations, ISBN : 0-9767350-0-8.


Erickson, M, Rossi, E, & Rossi, S (1976).  (1978). Hypnose:  Induktion - Psychotherapeutische Anwendung - Beispiele.  München:  Verlag J Pfeiffer.

Rossi, E (1979).  (1981). Hypnotherapie:  Aufbau-Beispiele-Forschungen.  Munchen:  Verlag J Pfeiffer.

Rossi, E (1986).  (1991). Die Psychobiologie der Seele-Körper-Heilung.  Essen:  Synthesis-Verlag.

Erickson, M, Rossi, E (1989).  (1991). Der Februarmann:  persönlichkeits- und identitätsentwicklung.  Paderborn:  Junfermannsche Verlagsbuchhandlung.

Rossi, E (1993) 20 Minuten Pause: Wie Sie seelischen und Korperlichen Zusammenbrauch verhindern konnen.  Paderborn:  Junfermann Verlag.

Rossi, E (1988).  Neue Aspekte der molekularen Grundlagen des psychosomatischen Heilungsprozesses in der therapeutischen Hypnose.  Hypnose und Kognition, 5(1), 11-23.   

Erickson, M & Rossi, E (1997) MHE Collected works 6 Volumes, Carl Auer


Rossi, E (2004). (Editor, Salvador Iannotti: Discorso Tra Geni.  A Discourse with Our Genes:The Psychosocial and Cultural Genomics of Therapeutic Hypnosis and Psychotherapy. Benevento, Italy: Editris SAS Press. ISBN  88 – 89396 – 01 – 6.

Erickson, M, Rossi, E, & Rossi, S (1976). (1979).  Tecniche di Suggestione Ipnotica.  Rome: Casa Editrice Astrolabio.

Erickson, M, & Rossi, E (1979). (1982). Ipno Terapia.  Rome:  Casa Editrice Astrolabio.

Erickson, M (1980).  (1984). Opere, Vol. I, La natura dell'ipnosi e della siggestione.  EL Rossi, (Ed.).  Rome:  Casa Editrice Astrolabio.

Erickson, M (1980).  (1984).  Opere, Vol. II, L'alterazione ipnotica dei processi sensoriali, percettivi e psicofisiologici.  EL Rossi (Ed.).  Rome:  Casa Editrice Astrolabio.

Erickson, M (1980).  (1984).  Opere, Vol. III, L'indagine ipnotica dei processi psicodinamici.  E. L. Rossi (Ed.).  Rome:  Casa Editrice Astrolabio.

Erickson, M (1980).  (1984).  Opere, Vol. IV, L'ipnoterapia innovatrice.  EL Rossi (Ed.).  Rome:  Casa Editrice Astrolabio.

Erickson, M, & Rossi, E (1981).  (1985).  L'esperienza dell'ipnosi:  approcci terapeutici agli stati alterati.  Rome:  Casa Editrice Astrolabio.

Erickson, M (1983).  (1984).  Guarire con L'ipnosi, Vol. 2.  EL Rossi, MO Ryan, & FA Sharp (Eds.)  Rome:  Casa Editrice Astrolabio.

Erickson, M (1985).  (1987).  La Ristrutturazione della Vita con L'ipnosi, Vol. 2.  EL Rossi & MO. Ryan (Eds.).  Rome:  Casa Editrice Astrolabio.

Rossi, E (1986).  Recenti sviluppi nell'ipnoterapia di Erickson:  Comunicazione mente-corpo.  Ipnosi, August, 3-15.

Rossi, E (1986).  La Psicobiologia della Guarigione Psicofisica.  Rome:  Casa Editrice Astrolabio.

Rossi, E (1987).  Gli Emisferi Cerebrali Nella Psicologia Analitica.  L'immaginale, 9(5), 71-90.

Rossi, E (1987).  Gli Emisferi Cerebrali Nella Psicologia Analitica.  L'immaginale, 71-89.

Erickson, M & Rossi, E  (1989).  (1992).  L'uomo di Febbraio:  lo sviluppo della coscienza e dell'identità nell'ipnoterapia.  Rome:  Casa Editrice Astrolabio.

Rossi, E (1988).  Dala Mente Alla Molecola.  L'immaginale, 10(6), 181-198.

Rossi, E (1991).  L'Eterna Ricerca - I ritmi nascosti dello Stress e della Guarigione nella vita di ogni giorno.  L'immaginale, 11(7), 87-102.

Rossi, E (1992).  Come Creare un Grande Giorno.  L'immaginale, 12(8), 109-118.

Rossi, E (1993).  Che Cos’e La Vita?  Dal Flusso dei quanti all’lo. L'immaginale, 15(9), 129-143.

Rossi, E & Nimmons, D (1991).  (1992). 20 Minutes de Répit:  prévenir les effets néfastes du stress.  Montréal:  Les Éditions de L'Homme.

Rossi, E (1993).  Psychobiologie de la guerison: Influence de l’esprit sur le corps, Hommes & Perspectives, Marseille.


MHE Collected works translated (8 volumes)

Psychobiology of Mind Body Healing, translated


Karlinska, M & Jedynak, A  (1993/1994).  “Poznalem samego siebie dzieki literaturze pieknej” wyznaje Ernest Rossi.  Gestalt 12: Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Psychologow Praktykow, 13-17.


Rossi, E  (1982). Os Sonhos: Eo Desenvolvimento da Personalidade.  Brasil:  Summus Editorial LTDA.

Rossi, E  (1994).   A Psicobiologia de Cura Mente-Corpo:  Novos Conceitos de hipnose Therapeutica. Campinas Sao Paulo, Brazil.


Erickson, M & Rossi, E (1995).  The February Man:  Evolving Consciousness and Identy in Hypnotherapy.  NY, Brunner/Mazel.


Rossi, E (1992).  Entire Issue devoted to reprints of Rossi’s recent papers on hypnotherapy.  Rapport Hipnosis de Milton H. Erickson, 1(4).  Buenos Aires, Argentina:  Sanchez de Bustamante.

Rossi, E (1994).  Emerger de la Communicacion Mente-Gen. Rapport Hipnosis de Milton H. Erickson, 2(9), 787-819.  Buenos Aires, Argentina:  Sanchez de Bustamante.

Rossi, E (1992).  Milton H. Erickson: Un Bosquejo Biografico. Rapport Hipnosis de Milton H. Erickson, 1(4), 3-52.  Buenos Aires, Argentina:  Sanchez de Bustamante.

Pacheco, M (1993).  Psicoterapia psicobiologica.  Teoria de la curacion mente/cuerpo de Ernest L. Rossi.  Therapia Psicologic, 9, 20, 27-34.

Bowie, D & Pacheco, M,  (1993).  Fundamentos Para Una Terapia Psicobiologica: Uniendo Menta/Cuerpo de Ernest L. Rossi.  Instituto Milton H. Erickson De Santiago De Chili. Santiago: Chili.

Rossi, E  (1997).  Entire Issue devoted to reprints of Rossi’s edited Collected Papers of Milton H. Erickson.  Rapport Hipnosis de Milton H. Erickson, No. 14.  Buenos Aires, Argentina:  Sanchez de Bustamante.

Rossi, E & Nimmons, D  (1993).  20 Minutos de Pausa.  Madrid: Spain.


Rossi, E  (1976).  (1978).  Hypnotiska Verkligheter Stockholm:  Enguall & Krantz Grafiska AB.

Rossi, E & Nimmons, D (1992).  Folj Kroppens Klocka: Ta en paus och prestera battre.  Oversattning: Svenska Dagbladets Forlag.


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